Make sure you’re neatly and correctly turned out, with a clean horse and tack.
Stay on the road when hacking to meets, so as not to disturb the day’s draw.
Wear gloves (string gloves for wet weather).
Consider using a stronger bit on your horse, and perhaps a martingale.
Horses that kick must have a red ribbon in their tails and must be kept at the back of the field.
Hunting Members park in the lot closest to the mounting block. Supporters and Guests park in the trailer lot through the gate.
Arrive early enough to be mounted and ready at the appointed time, and remember that hounds customarily move off promptly at the advertised hour. Therefore, it is important to arrive in plenty of time to briefly greet the Masters.
Well-turned-out horses and riders are a compliment to and show respect for landowners of the hunting country.
Please be alert to the Master's/Field Master’s instructions given at the meet and throughout the day.
At all times, stay behind the Field Master and together as a Field to avoid distracting hounds or turning a fox.
Stay quiet! It’s important for the Huntsman and staff, as they are listening for hounds. It’s also important for the Field Master, as he/she is listening for where hounds and the Huntsman are, and polite to those who are interested in watching hounds work.
Keep a safe distance behind the horse in front of you, but keep the field “closed up”. Stragglers can often interfere with the work of hounds and/or staff.
If your horse refuses a fence, let the Field pass before attempting to jump again.
Always give hounds and the Huntsman, and the Masters and staff the right of way, making sure your horse is facing them.
Stay in the back of the Field if your horse is being unruly, or if you’re feeling uncertain about your ability to keep up.
Stay off all lawns and crops, close all gates, fix all downed rails and report any damage or other problems to the nearest staff member (e.g., the Masters, Field Master, Honorary Secretary, Huntsman, or Whippers-in), as soon as possible.
When motor vehicles approach hounds/horses on a public road, if possible, use a gentle hand signal to indicate to the driver to come through slowly, remembering always to thank them as they pass.
Should you not be able to finish a day’s hunting, please let the Field Master know you are leaving for the day.
If possible, stay on the road when leaving early, and make every effort to avoid crossing (and disturbing) the day’s draw.
Organizing and carrying out each day’s hunting can be a formidable task. Finding an opportunity to express the traditional “thank you” to Masters, Field Master, Huntsman and Whippers-in as well as car followers at the end of the day’s hunting is therefore both appropriate and most appreciated.
Guests and Supporting Members should inform the Honorary Secretary or Master the night before the meet.
Please present capping fees to the Honorary Secretary at the meet prior to the hounds moving off.
Guests are limited to capping 3 times per season.
The attire for Wednesday meets and Cubbing season is "ratcatcher". This refers to a tweed hacking jacket and shirt with a colored/patterned stock tie. Plain collar and buttons on the coat, earth tones preferred. Black or brown helmet. Buff, tan or rust breeches. Black or brown field boots.
The attire for Sunday in formal season on and after Opening Meet is, black melton coat. Plain black velvet helmet. White shirt with white stock tie and gold stock pin. Buff or tan breeches. Black dress boots with spurs. Black patent tops for ladies with colors, brown tops for men with colors.