The Monmouth County Hunt meets two days each week during our season which extends from late August through March.
From early mornings in August, with the sun rising over dewy fields, to cold blustery winter afternoons, through the first green of spring grass, the hounds, horses and people enjoy all that the sport has to offer. The sport and camaraderie of the group provide a good time for all involved.
The Monmouth County Hunt rides Wednesday and Sunday mornings. We welcome new members and have many various membership categories.
Please contact us for dates and hunting times, monmouthcountyhunt@gmail.com
You may cap (ride as a guest) 3 times a season, before requesting membership by written letter. The capping fee is $100 on Wednesdays, $125 on Sundays and $250 on Opening Day and $200 on Boxing Day. The link to download the riding waiver is below.
Please contact the Honorary Secretary for an invitation to cap, monmouthcountyhunt@gmail.com